Thursday, December 19, 2013

Updated Practicum Hours for EDLD 5363 Dec 2013

I have been steadily working since last June to get many of my hours completed.  I have interviewed several key personal in the Central Offices of the Clear Creek ISD and on my campus.  I will have complete 60 hours as of January 6, 2014, after I instruct a staff development session at Bayside Intermediate.  In Feb. 2014, I have been selected to hold a session on Physics in the Classroom where I will co-present with a science teacher on my campus.  I know that in 10 Weeks I will need the 75 hours to be able to continue with my program and determined to have it done early.  No surprises for me.   

Video Conference Reflection for Multimedia Video Technology EDLD 5363

For EDLD 5363 I logged into the weekly video conference to understand what was needed from me. The assignments can be a little confusing with me not being sure what to submit and where.  I turned in an assignment late accidentally, because it was redundant to what I had put in the discussion area that week.  It cost me 5 points, not a lot in the total, but I expect more from myself.  Having the video conference is good, but it is mostly to clarify directions given in the assignments and not for enriching the class. Having directions for the assignments that are consistent and coherent for the assignments would allow the  video conference to be more beneficial to all of the students. I have to admit that the video conference is intimidating to ask questions in, as if can be frustrating for the Prof to have to respond in different manners to allow all students to understand, having the other students explain what they understood creates better understanding also.One of the things I would like to see, especially with TK20 submissions, is screenshots or sharing the desktop when explaining where and how to submit items. I did learn a lot in the class and appreciate the effort put into it, these suggestions are meant only to help the next set of students taking the class.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Reflection of Multimedia Video Technology - EDLD 5363

In Multimedia Video Technology, EDLD 5363 I have been immersed into the usage of video, audio, graphics and the combination of these to create original educational projects that are published via the Internet. The projects had to communicate to multiple types of audiences and be available in a variety of media types from podcast to an edited group video.

Each project we were required to produce meant time spent planning, communicating and executing skills that as a group we were building. We gained experience through using different programs. Each group member shared knowledge and skills with the group allowing for enhanced learning to occur.

The projects required us to understand the Creative Commons that protects our work while allowing for use of it to others as we desire.  Keeping the copyright laws in mind while allowing others to access the information and expand the subject matter.

The class required that we update our blog and upload our podcast and videos for public view. This was a new experience for me and I learned a great deal about the skills required to ensure a production that was useful for others.   

Monday, December 16, 2013

Thursday, November 21, 2013

I have posted my video for the first week of EDLD 5363. This was not an easy assignment, opening up to others is not something that I do well. Creative Commons License The Journey by Terry Conaway is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

EDLD 5362_ENA_AP2 - Info Systems Mgmt Week 5 video

Just complete the Tech Plan for CCISD, a 15+ minute video.  This was a project that let me gain knowledge on what the district requires to allow for a true innovation in a change. We have this year initiated a one to one tech initiative that is going to be great for the districts students.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

EDLD 5362 Week 1 - Technology Changing Classrooms

Technologies Changing Classrooms
As teachers technology has enhanced the educational process, with the ability to connect with student with more efficiency and with greater effect. In the article Impact of the internet on learning and teaching, it is stated that “There have been many technological dawns in the last 30 years, during which the desktop computer and the Internet have been developed; but there have been similar dawns throughout the 20th Century - film, radio, records, broadcast television, audiotape, videotape, programmed learning machines, etc.”, Arsham, H. (2002).  No advancement has made a greater impact in the classroom as the internet has. With this advancement students have access to the world of information at a keystroke, with graphics included.
The teaching practices have changed greatly with the access to the internet, with many changes in teacher habits being effected. Prior to the online capabilities everything was handwritten into logbooks, the grades were calculated with the aid of an adding machine recorded and retained in a written format, available for auditing when the need arose. (Titus, 2013) In today’s classroom teacher’s gradebooks are available to parents and students through different programs such as Self-Serve, Think Wave and Learn Boost that are either provided by the districts or available for teachers from internet sites that offer free and pay for programs.  This has allowed for parents and students to monitor the grades on a daily basis and the teachers grading more accountable. Lesson plans and activities are posted online with students accessing them on laptops, tablets and smart phones. The teacher evaluations are recorded with a hand held device where the lesson plans can be pulled up and compared with activities. Transparency in the classroom is the now and the future in teaching.
Today, the instructional strategies in the classrooms have progressed with great leaps to take advantage of the most recent technological developments. The extensive adoption of the Internet has fundamentally altered the way that people live their lives and classroom teachers are taking advantage of it to improve the way lessons are taught. The classrooms of today are almost unrecognizable from those of the 50's; now banks of computers line the walls and traditional blackboards and chalk are replaced with projectors that are attached to a laptop computer or tablet with a stylus allowing lessons to be interspersed with video and audio clips, all of which allows the teachers to keep lessons fresh and interesting. This is resulting in students that are more likely to remain alert and engaged with the class.
When looking at the characteristics of the students prior to the availability of the internet, consider that past students would get the vocabulary through a book or handout and then using a hard bound dictionary they would define the words and practice regurgitating the spelling and meanings of each term for a test at the end of the week. Today students have come to expect that the vocabulary will be posted on a tutorial site like for practice in a gaming style format where they compete with each other on their ability to complete the game in a winning time.  If the teacher has not created the tutorial site, they will create their own to work with on the computers and smart phones. Activities in the classroom have also changed, no longer will students sit and listen to a lecture with visuals on a board or passed around they need interaction with the subject and are advancing faster in the knowledge because of the interaction. This is in all subjects they take, the internet has become part of who they are and how they process information. (Kearns, 2013).
Research and learning theories have changed as well, before behaviorism was standard giving stars and reward tokens for achievements. We learned to rely on drill and practice to succeed. Now we are asking our students to be creative, to analyses and evaluate. Students are taking their education in and having to develop individual thoughts while the teacher is there to guide them. Universal Designed Lessons are now used in most classrooms establishing that each child is able to learn with a level field no matter what their learning style or disability.
In conclusion, we can see how much improvement has been established by having the internet available and used in the classroom and everywhere.  Learning is become an around the clock activity, where students access information from many sources online and share their ideas using the same medium. What does the future hold? That remains to be seen, but it includes students using the internet and accessing information from around the world.  The teachers are no longer the holders of the knowledge, they are the guides that provide the direction and encouragement.

Arsham, H. (2002, March). Impact of the internet on learning and teaching. USDLA Journal, 16.3.  Retrieved on November 17, 2009, from

Conner, M. L. (2007, August 10). A Primer on Educational Psychology. A Primer on Educational Psychology. Retrieved October 10, 2013, from

Graziano, M., Lenhart, A., & Simon, M. (2001, September 1). The internet and education: Findings of the pew internet and American life project. Pew Internet and American Life Project. Retrieved on November 17, 2009, from

Library Index. (n.d.). The Internet and Education - Elementary And Secondary Schools. Retrieved October 10, 2013, from ">The Internet and Education - Elementary And Secondary Schools

Friday, September 27, 2013

Video and Reading Week 5 Reflection

During the videos and reading for week five, I found that the information I was getting matched my own thought process. In the CTE classrooms, we see teachers more and more, as coaches and as role models, information is readily available we need to provide the student a knowledge on judging reliability and accountability as they collect data.

With the Gateway to Engineering class I believe in treating the kids they way is was described in the video, Big Thinkers: Sasha Barab on New-Media Engagement, "treating kids when they come in as people who are ignorant in their job, and education is to get them smart enough to demonstrate some sort of high score on a test, our goal is to position them as really empowered kids who get to feel: what is it like to try on the role of a scientist, and to see themselves as people who could possible have that future." This makes sense to me, if we want kids to do something, then let the do it.  As small children they begin learning by pretending, why not continue that style of learning.  After graduating student will have on the job training, why not in school where we can help them excel in a safe learning environment?

In the same video is was stated that we need to look and see that "It's not all those kids that's the problem; it's the way that we're thinking about school. It's the way that we're using textbooks. It's the resources that we're giving kids." And then, ultimately, it's the kinds of things that we're allowing kids to do." Reading is not doing, not creating.  We want are students to succeed and we have the technology, we just need to get it in the students hands, provide guidance and watch in amazement.

  • Citation: (nd). Vision for 21st Century Learning. Retrieved from
  • Citation: (nd). Vision for Technology in K-12 Education. Retrieved from
  • Citation: (nd). Big Thinkers: Sasha Barab on New-Media Engagement. Retrieved from

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Reflection on UDL eBook week 5 EDLD 5364

Creating a second eBook was exciting.  I have gained some knowledge of how and why the process works, and will need to learn even more as I will be presenting a workshop on this tool for the staff at Bayside Intermediate on January 4, 2014. By creating the books I am allowing my students better access to understanding of the materials I teach, providing the chance to use the learning style that best suits each student.  By keeping my approach flexible the curriculum designed for my classroom allows all learners full and equal opportunity to learn. By using the UDL guidelines I 
optimize the levels of challenge and support to meet the needs of all my students from the start of the school year.

  • Citation: (2009). Model UDL lessons. Center for Applied Special Technology. Retrieved from
  • Citation: (2009). Cast UDL book builder. Center for Applied Special Technology. Retrieved from

Week 5 eBook:

Week 5 UDL Lesson Plan Link:

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Week 4 Video Conference reflection

The conference on Saturday, September 21, 2013 was informative on how to complete the course 5364, and what to include in the last lessons for the completion of the class. Many questions from the groups were answered and information shared.  With the access to the microphone for the participants the class was able to better communicate.  A 3 page eBook and UDL lesson with the collaboration of another teacher is on my agenda for this week.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Week 4 Video and Reading Reflection

Equal opportunity on assessments was this weeks topic.  Having student demonstrate their understanding of materials taught through a standardize testing format may not be the best way to evaluate their understanding of the materials taught. Having projects with rubrics that allow the student to show their abilities in using the materials instead of regurgitating it from memory is good for all students. This allows for less test anxiety and stress giving those student who experience these problems a chance to demonstrate their true understanding by having a product they can show and explain.  If a test using a standardized method must be used then allow for other learning styles, as in an audio clip that ask the questions to go along with the written test question.  This allows for students with a different learning style to be able to level the field on the testing information.  Putting students at the center of the learning process is the key to transforming the educational system, according to world renowned mathematician and educator, Seymour Papert. The students need to know that they are going to use the information they are getting from the educator.

There is no one way that will do for all students, we need to incorporate different types of learning styles into our testing so all students can show their true abilities, one of the ways this can be done be project based learning.

  • Citation: (December 10, 2007). The Collaborative Classroom: An Interview with Linda Darling-Hammond. Filmed at the CASEL forum in New York City. Retrieved from

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Week 3 Video Conference Reflection

This week’s video was insightful in the case that some of the directions in the class could be better constructed.  Many of the students, as I did, created individual eBooks, when collaboration was what was wanted.  The classwork is being worked on as we take the class, so some confusion will happen.  The week was busy, with a lot to accomplish with the group projects, the readings and videos.  We were informed to meet again on Sunday at 6:00 to go over next week’s weeks assignments, and to not be afraid to call the Professor with questions or concerns.  Email will work also, but sometimes an answer is better explained verbally. 

Creating a UDL Lesson

This week, I created my technology- enhanced lesson plan using the Cast UDL Lesson Builder site utilizing the Universal Design for Learning framework.

The lessons UDL use a variety of methods to address the different portions of a learner's brain. The Recognition Network Tasks deals with gathering facts and categorizing information, answering the "what" of learning,  The Strategic Network Tasks deals with planning, performing tasks and expressing ideas, answering the "how" of learning, and the Affective Network Tasks which control learner engagement, motivation and interest,  answering the "why" of learning. The lesson model also incorporates both summative and formative assessments to demonstrate the efficacy of the lesson. To learn more, refer to 
What is Universal Design for Learning?

My lesson is entitled "The Design Process” is for 8th grade Introduction to Engineering. This lesson introduces the class to the Design process also called, the scientific method,  giving them the chance to apply that knowledge to a project to demonstrate understanding.   You can view my entire lesson on the groups
Google Docs site.
The experience of building the lesson was something that my district requires for the classes. The lesson is based on National standards for 8th grade Language Arts, Reading and Technology. I found the approach to be backward for me, as this class at Lamar is geared to teach teachers how to embed technology in their lessons.

The goal of my lesson was to teach students, using tasks for all three brain networks, to work cooperatively and to learn how the Design Process is used for engineering/science projects. I believe I designed a lesson that will hold the students interest, and really make them think about the effects design process has on the projects they will be asked to create in the future.

I learned a lot about developing curriculum that uses technology to differentiate instruction and address multiple learning styles and students with diverse needs. The UDL lesson building tools really make you think about each step of the process, and ways to improve your lesson to reach all students and reinforce instruction through tasks that address the way our brains learn. I will be able to use this in the future as I work with teachers to build lessons for all of their students.

  • Citation: Rose, D., & Meyer, A. (2002). Teaching every student in the digital age: Universal design for learning. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development. Available online at the Center for Applied Special Technology Web site. Chapter 6. Retrieved from

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Creating eBook

Terry Conaway, Tech Ed, ENC
Creating an eBook permitted me to explain a lesson in Process Design that would Ensure that all the students learning styles were covered, I included text, graphics, student response areas,  video and audio to the eBook on the Design Process.  By building different media approached directly into the assignment the students are engaged and this allows for the teacher to support each child's needs.  Since students use different approaches to learning  all students will benefit from this approach not just students with learning difficulties.  I plan to have  my students create a project using eBook writing  this year, creating a book for elementary readers over Engineering Careers. To see the book I created  follow the link below.

  • Citation: Rose, D., & Meyer, A. (2002). Teaching every student in the digital age: Universal design for learning. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development. Available online at the Center for Applied Special Technology Web site. Chapter 6. Retrieved from

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Week 3 Video and Reading Reflection

This week we covered UDL lessons and creating educational opportunities for all student by providing technology for support.  The CAST site was invaluable in resources to assist with lesson planning as it is an   educational research & development organization that works to expand learning opportunities for all individuals through Universal Design for Learning. Here for the teacher or planner is a set of principles for curriculum development that allows  all individuals equal opportunities to learn. Using the three networks; Recognition Networks, the "what" of learning, the Strategic Networks, the "how" of learning and the Affective Networks, the "why" of learning, plans can be made that use flexible approaches that can be customized and adjusted for individual needs. Included in the process of building are ways to help students to engage in the learning through videos, graphics, sounds and interactive learning.
  • Citation: Rose, D., & Meyer, A. (2002). Teaching every student in the digital age: Universal design for learning. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development. Available online at the Center for Applied Special Technology Web site. Chapter 6. Retrieved from

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Week 2 Video Conference Reflections

Information was shared by class participant about products and devices like the Docs to Go app for vision impaired population with Dropbox, as you speak and the product will type what you say.  Dragon dictation is another product that was working for other district with some success, but has difficulty with diction.  Speech Journal form Mobile Education Store, though it does not display text. The Group planning page was explained and I have it on our group Google docs page. Looking forward to getting started on Week 3 assignment, we have a lot to accomplish.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Week 2 Learning Reflection

This wee the lessons were to get us thinking of each student as an individual and how to actively engage and educate them.  The students may have a handicap, learning disability or be GT, but each will learn differently and require lessons that work with them.  Technology allows teachers to do this by taking advantage of different instructional methods at one time. According to Pitler (2007) It all starts with the planning of the lesson, the first question a teachers needs to ask is: What knowledge and skills do I want my students to have at the end of this lesson or unit?  This will allow the teacher to set the direction of learning for the student. It is recommended by Pitler (2007) to set learning objectives that are specific but flexible, allow students flexibility in personalizing the learning objectives or goals, communicate the learning objectives or goals to students and parents and contract with student to attain specific learning objectives or goals.  For today's students technology is a given in their everyday life so to use it in class is a must in my opinion. When planning and following the guidelines set forth technology will have to be a part of the lessons. It will allow the teacher to use the Universal Design for Learners allowing for multiple means of gaining knowledge, tapping into the student engagement to gain the knowledge and demonstrating the acquisition of that knowledge.  Each child no matter who they are learn differently and the UDL uses the power and flexibility of technology to design lessons to meet each students individual needs.

Also addressed this week was computers and self-esteem, and how they relate to students.  Studies have shown that as student work and engage with computers in learning their self-esteem is built up allowing them more confidence in completing goals.  Students of today identify with the technology and expect to use it all times.  An example would be a phone directory, we as adults grew up looking up a phone number in a thick and heavy book, while the students we teach grab their smart phones and find the number, address and even the directions with a few clicks. They are confident in their abilities to use the resources available, so to effectively engage them we should be working to build on what they know. Page (2002) suggest that such computer environments, after aiding the knowledge gain of the participants involved, encouraged lifelong learning habits and increase commitment for further learning, or learning to  learn. A goal set by all educators. (nd). The Brain Research. Retrieved from

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Week 1 Video Conference Reflection

Today's video conference cleared up a lot of questions I had regarding the class, first weeks assignments and the degree plan.  This is a course, as all my courses should be, about learning, not the grade or submitting the assignments. Those will happen as I learn the materials, read, watch, watch, listen and collaborate with my peers.  Finding others with similar questions and concerns about the assignments and team project was reassuring, the same as being informed that even with it being a "group" project, only the part that you as a team member are responsible for will be what the grade will be reflective of.  I know that eventually I will be required to write a paper that will include information from my reflections and that all I absorb from my classes will allow me to create even better projects.  My goal is to be a Director of Technology, and to do this I must be able to understand, analyse, evaluate and create on a higher level.  Just as we ask our kids to do now, we must be willing to try different things and continue to experience learning not just repeating what we read or are told. Lots of good ideas and information was shared and I am looking forward to the next Video Conference to be even more inspired.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

5364 Week One -- Reflection 1

During week one of 5364 Teaching With Technology, I learned that technology is something that in growing at an exponential rate, and that as educators we must learn to incorporate the technology into our instruction to have effective lessons.  Students of today live their lives linked in with technology, an example, my 22 year old daughter watches streaming television on her cell phone instead of the television in her room. As a digital immigrant I find this confusing, but to the digital natives it is expected and acceptable. To catch and hold the students attention today, we must become able to adjust to their world where technology has always existed and used. By using the theory of connectivism, technology with connections  will begin to allow us to move the learning theories into a digital age. When we include the use of constructivism, we use the students own knowledge to build upon, allowing them to reflect and build additional knowledge through this thought and collaboration. The students then can make additional connections and their learning experience becomes richer.

As the theories change so do our own ideas, the Blooms Taxonomy has been revised to adapt to the new changes that have taken place, now showing the steps as remember, understand, apply, analyze, evaluate, create. No longer is being able to recite and grasp understanding going to be enough, the students of today must be able to  analyze what they learn, evaluate the value of the learning and create even more through collaboration.  This is an exciting time to be in education, but with that excitement can come fear, overcoming the educators fear is the real challenge in my opinion.   

Solomon, G., & Schrum, L. (2007). Web 2.0: New tools, new schools. Eugene, OR: International Society for Technology in Education.

Friday, August 9, 2013

Update to Action Research Plan

Thanks for all of the comments on the ARP, they are greatly appreciated.  I have added to my plan a historical component.  It was pointed out I did not have a baseline to evaluate improvement from.  I have since added analysis of campus computer usage reports from last year.  These are available for each lab and cart in the building.  I am looking at a baseline to see increase/decrease in computer usage.  The reports also include activities that work preformed with the computers.  

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Action Research Plan - What best practices using Dell Latitudes are going to work at Bayside Intermediate to support engaged learning

Setting a Shared Vision that we will focus on how to design assignments that are more empowering and be able to engage students in a learning community with 24-hour support.
Share vision at a Faculty Meeting
Time one the agenda
Mr. Majewski, Susan Wells, Terry Conaway
August 19 – 23, 2013
Where are you in your technology skills? Survey
Assign faculty to groups for training at similar skill levels.
Analysis where faculty are in line with technology skills and using Latitude with students.
Completed Surveys
Terry Conaway
August 26 –  mid Sept  2013
Data Analysis
Encourage teachers to begin planning and using Latitude in classrooms.
Set up 1st workshops on how to use Latitude in classroom using the focus on how to design assignments that are more empowering and be able to engage students in a learning community with 24-hour support.
Handouts, scheduled times
Terry Conaway
Susan Wells
Oct 3 -  4, 2013  – early release and  1st Professional Dev. Day
Post workshop evaluations
Reflection on additional trainings
Evaluate Staff Development day in Oct.
Post workshop evaluation forms, walk-through random classroom evaluation.
Terry Conaway

Late Nov
Analysis of data
Encourage teachers to continue planning and using Latitude in classrooms to engage students in critical thinking skills.
2nd – Professional Development day continue providing workshops on using Latitude in classroom while focusing  designing assignments that are more empowering and be able to engage students in a learning community.
Examples of successful lessons using tablets in classroom that engages the students and builds critical thinking skills.
Handouts, presentations
Susan Wells
Terry Conaway
Jan 20, 2014,
Post workshop evaluations
Reflection on additional trainings
Evaluate Staff Development day in Jan.
Post workshop evaluation forms, walk-through random classroom evaluation.
Terry Conaway

Late Jan – early Feb
Analysis of data
Encourage teachers to continue planning and using Latitude in classrooms to engage students in critical thinking skills.
3rd – Professional Development day continue providing workshops on using Latitude in classroom while focusing  designing assignments that are more empowering and be able to engage students in a learning communities.
Examples of successful lessons using tablets in classroom that engages the students and builds critical thinking skills.
Handouts, presentations
Terry Conaway
Susan Wells
Feb. 14 – 17 – Early release and Professional Development day
Post workshop evaluations
Reflection on additional trainings
Evaluate Staff Development day in Feb.
Post workshop evaluation forms, walk-through random classroom evaluation.
Terry Conaway

Late Nov
Analysis of data
Encourage teachers to continue planning and using Latitude in classrooms to engage students in critical thinking skills.
Have volunteer teachers to present ways they have incorporated the latitude and share their best practices with other faculty
Presentations by individual teachers
Terry Conaway
Volunteer Faculty
March 7, early release day
Post workshop evaluations
Reflection on additional trainings
Evaluate Staff Development day in Mar.
Post workshop evaluation forms, walk-through random classroom evaluation.
Terry Conaway

Late Nov
Analysis of data
Evaluate and reflect on best practices being used and preparing for additional training offerings needed.
Interviews and skill survey with teachers on level of comfort using the Latitudes in the classes.
Survey, personal interview questions
Terry Conaway
April – mid May
Interviews conducted evaluations and completed surveys by faculty

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

How educational leaders might use blogs

The blog allows educational leaders to share ideas and maybe learn something new. Having the ability to share ideas, concerns and possible solutions with a peer group without having to set up a meeting time is a great plus in any administrators busy life. Technology has many advantages and this is definitely one of them.

Action Research,how am I going to use it?

Action research is a systematic way of problem solving that starts with setting the foundation or identifying the problem. Once that has been done gathering and analyzing date that affects the issue can be started allowing the researcher to gain a deeper understanding of the issue at hand. As you go through the process self reflection is required to gain a better knowledge and understanding of the problem with your own and other's skills and ideas contributing to the solutions and finding patterns that work.  This allows you to determine which direction you will be taking begin acting on the solution. As the work is being done self reflection continues and the progress is evaluated to sustain the improvement.

PictureThe action research is pretty much the same as the design process taught in my class, which I use everyday. This allows me to keep my self on target and organized in my thinking. I use the systematic approach as I plan for lessons and work with students and classroom management.

As I being my action research project for my degree I know that using the steps will enable me to have the best chance of success, as I have experienced the results previously on other projects I have taken on.

The best part of the process for me is allowing me to chunk the task for completion and the self reflections.  I think of it as taking small bites out of the work and seeing its completion progress occur. As a task oriented person, this is extremely important to me if I want to be successful.