Saturday, August 31, 2013

Week 1 Video Conference Reflection

Today's video conference cleared up a lot of questions I had regarding the class, first weeks assignments and the degree plan.  This is a course, as all my courses should be, about learning, not the grade or submitting the assignments. Those will happen as I learn the materials, read, watch, watch, listen and collaborate with my peers.  Finding others with similar questions and concerns about the assignments and team project was reassuring, the same as being informed that even with it being a "group" project, only the part that you as a team member are responsible for will be what the grade will be reflective of.  I know that eventually I will be required to write a paper that will include information from my reflections and that all I absorb from my classes will allow me to create even better projects.  My goal is to be a Director of Technology, and to do this I must be able to understand, analyse, evaluate and create on a higher level.  Just as we ask our kids to do now, we must be willing to try different things and continue to experience learning not just repeating what we read or are told. Lots of good ideas and information was shared and I am looking forward to the next Video Conference to be even more inspired.

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