5364 Week One -- Reflection 1
During week one of 5364 Teaching With Technology, I learned that technology is something that in growing at an exponential rate, and that as educators we must learn to incorporate the technology into our instruction to have effective lessons. Students of today live their lives linked in with technology, an example, my 22 year old daughter watches streaming television on her cell phone instead of the television in her room. As a digital immigrant I find this confusing, but to the digital natives it is expected and acceptable. To catch and hold the students attention today, we must become able to adjust to their world where technology has always existed and used. By using the theory of connectivism, technology with connections will begin to allow us to move the learning theories into a digital age. When we include the use of constructivism, we use the students own knowledge to build upon, allowing them to reflect and build additional knowledge through this thought and collaboration. The students then can make additional connections and their learning experience becomes richer.
As the theories change so do our own ideas, the Blooms Taxonomy has been revised to adapt to the new changes that have taken place, now showing the steps as remember, understand, apply, analyze, evaluate, create. No longer is being able to recite and grasp understanding going to be enough, the students of today must be able to analyze what they learn, evaluate the value of the learning and create even more through collaboration. This is an exciting time to be in education, but with that excitement can come fear, overcoming the educators fear is the real challenge in my opinion.
Solomon, G., & Schrum, L. (2007). Web 2.0: New tools, new schools. Eugene, OR: International Society for Technology in Education.
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