Tuesday, February 11, 2014

EDLD 5366 Course Reflection Week 5

Week 5 Assignment
Course Embedded Assignment Reflection
EDLD 5366 Digital Graphics and Web Design


Having completed the EDLD 5366 I feel I grew as an educator.  The step by step process of learning the significance of branding and logos helped me to better understand my own self-reflection as well as having my students reflect to allow the students the opportunity to gain knowledge of themselves.  I gained understanding about the importance of self-branding in the Alcantra article.  The statement in the first article in week 2 really made sense to me.  Essentially, a brand is an idea and perceived value formed by its intended audience based on a company’s culture, product, and service.”  (Alcantra, 2009).  Each area within the campuses, either the classroom or the complete campus are identified by the perception of the students and community. What is perceived as the culture and attitude of the environment of the campus and classrooms identifies the brand of that school or class.

We are targeted at an early age by companies targeting children, my own children in the 80’s and 90’s were able to identify with My Buddy dolls and the Cabbage Patch dolls. Branding is everywhere even when the students are not aware of what brand they are creating for themselves using social media programs.

Self-reflection of the course impressed me, something I have started to require my own students. As our opinions and priorities change as we grow, the reflections on our successes and failures allows us to gain more understanding and allows for more growth.  

When I was assigned to give my opinion on what the Web will look like in 5 years I had to really stop and think. Having a history with using technology for the past 30 years I believe the possibilities are truly endless. I can see that the development of social media for an educational tool will happen, as it now is being used with programs such as Edmodo. In my opinion kids are learning from social media now and that is with or without adult supervision. It is our job to temper the inputs of what the kids are seeing and hearing, teaching the kids to decipher the value of the information they are accessing. Today it is so easy to get information the skill of deciphering value will and is necessary for all students.

Learn as a Learner

As a person who has passed the half century mark I decided to that I would take the approach in this course that I would keep an open mind.  I took some time and focused on trying to understand why branding is important in educating students, not just how it works.  I got the sense that some very intuitive educators had really reflected on the importance of students understanding why they learned the things presented.  My strategy worked in that I believe I have a better understanding of the different ways learners can learn.

“The most powerful learning often happens when students self-monitor, or reflect.” (Gerstein, 2011).  This statement made an impact on my relationship with my colleagues and students.  As I understood the concept I came to the realization that if it worked well for students it has to work for educators as well.  Since I pride myself on being a lifelong learner I have had to use reflections on both successful and failures in my life and career to gain knowledge about myself and how to improve my work performance.  I firmly believe to be a true leader; I should perform as I expect my students to perform.  I have to learn more about the reflection process and its use both for the students and myself. 

According to Bloom's Taxonomy Blooms Digitally, people who are creative are in the Higher Order of Thinking Skills that he revised in the 1990's.  (Churches, 2008).  As I continue my internship at Clear Creek ISD, and continue to assist with staff development, I think it is important to use Bloom's verbiage to the teachers and staff. As we transition to technology based instruction with the one to one tablet initiative it should be easier as we move along. I can see excitement and some apprehension in several of the teachers I interact with as new technology has been introduced along with the new tablets.  I believe the excitement is the result of previous successes with other programs. Our teachers have grown accustomed to recording grades in software programs and answering parent’s emails about their child as well as updating classroom websites. In regards to the training the simpler and less time consuming methods have proven to be effective. I think if we build on these and other successes, teachers will embrace higher thinking leading to higher learning. It is up to our district’s technology leaders to incorporate higher order thinking in teachers through training and demonstrations. Bloom's Digital Taxonomy Triangle will make it very easy to explain the process to teachers in the classroom.

Alcantara, Lea. (2008). The art of self branding. Retrieved from http://www.lealea.net/blog/comments/the-art-of-self-branding-part-one/. Retrieved 02/22/2012.
 Churches, A (2008) Bloom’s Taxonomy Blooms Digitally. Tech & Learning. Retrieved 02/22/2012 , fromhttp://www.techlearning.com/article /8670.  //

 Gerstein, J. (2011, August 16). Where is reflection in the learning process? Retrieved 02/22/ 2012, from User Generated Education: http://www.usergeneratededucation.wordpres